Advisory Groups

Participation of customer is one of the main objectives of corridor. Involvement of business partners in rail freight corridor establishment and operation is important for the infrastructure managers and allocation body of the corridor, because transport services cannot be provided without active participation process.

According to Articles 8.7 and 8.8 of Regulation 913/2010/EU, the Advisory Group give an opinion on any proposal of Management Board,  which has direct consequences for their members.  They may also give their own -initiatives.

Therefore two Advisory Groups have been establishment.

RAG – Advisory Group of Railway Undertakings consisting of representative of Railway Undertakings

TAG – Advisory Group of Terminals consisting of representatives of Terminals

The Kick- off Meetings of Advisory Groups RAG/TAG of AWB RFC were organized on 4. April 2019 in Zagreb.

Active customer involvement is one of the main objectives of AWB RFC and Advisory Groups enable their members to participate actively with their advices, expectations, needs and suggestions for improving the offer for customers.

Both groups can give their initiatives on the RAG/TAG meetings which are heald each year. It is also intend to exchange useful informations about events and activities along the corridor.