
RFC Network & RNE sessions 2022

Dear Madam or Sir, after a very successful introduction of virtual sessions hosted by the RFC Network together with RailNetEurope (RNE) to celebrate the European Year of Rail 2021, we decided to ...

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The Catalogue of Reserved Capacities for Timetable 2022 is published

The Catalogue of Reserved Capacities for Timetable 2021-2022 is published from 11. October 2021. The Catalogue of RC  is available on the AWB RFC web site in the menu Our Offer/Train Path. The ...

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3rd RFC Network & RNE SESSION 2021, virtual meeting October

3rd RFC Network - RailNetEurope session 2021 jointly organized by the RFC Network and RNE wil be held on 14th October 2021 via MS Teams from 14:00 until 16:00. The topic of 3rd session is TTR ...

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Inauguration Day of Alpine - Western Balkan Rail Freight Corridor

The Alpine-Western Balkan Rail Freight Corridor  (AWB RFC) started operating on 13th January 2020, when the first Catalogue of Pre-arranged paths was published. Due to known measures regarding the ...

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First Alpine - Western Balkan RFC Annual Report is published

Alpine-Western Balkan RFC is published today the Annual Report for year 2020. It is the first Annual Report which contains all the important and intersting information about the work, ...

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Alpine Western Balkan RFC connection with Turkey, Middle East and China

Alpine Western Balkan RCF has connection with Turkish railway Network. Svilengrad in Bulgaria is the last station of AWB RFC. Then railway line continues to border station Kapikule in Turkey and ...

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2021 - European Year of Rail

Friday, 1 January 2021, marks the beginning of the European Year of Rail. The European Commission initiative will highlight the benefits of rail as a sustainable, smart and safe means of ...

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AWB RFC became a part of Customer Information Platform (CIP)

Dear Customers, we are pleased to inform you that the AWB RFC became a part of Customer Information Platform(CIP), run by RailNetEurope. This project was implemented with the support of RNE ...

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The Pre-arranged Paths (Paps) TT 2022 are published

The Pre-arranged Paths Catalogue for Timetable 2021-2022 was published on 11th January. The Catalogoue is available on the AWB RFC web site in the menu Our Offer/Train Path The Pre-arranged ...

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Timetable 2020 / 2021 - change on 13. December 2020

The new railway timetable  2021 for freight and passenger traffic across Europe starts on 13 December  and will be valid on 11 December 2021.

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The Karavanke railway tunnel is completley  closed  from 5. October 2020 until 10. July 2021 due to construction works and modernization of the line. It means that rail traffic between Slovenia ...

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The Reserve Capacity 2021 is published

The Catalogue of Resereved capacity for Timetable 2021 are published and all details are shown on the page "Our offer"      

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